The Challenge of Working from Home

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Obviously, working from home is strikingly different than working for an employer…but over the past three and a half months, I’ve uncovered some contrasts that are not-so-obvious, as well…

Obvious: Instead of three days, it now takes me three weeks to burn a tank of gas.

Not so obvious: Speaking of tanks – I think I’m gonna have to get my septic tank emptied…I have to be filling that thing twice as fast. Think about it!

Obvious: My commute’s been cut from 25-minutes…to 25-steps to the home office.

Not so obvious: Speaking of steps…there may be twelve of them in my future if I don’t stop saying things like: “Well – lunchtime – and it’s not like I have to DRIVE anywhere…”

Obvious: Without having an employer to answer-to, I no longer have to waste half the day on mindless, counter-productive meetings that ‘supposedly improve communication,’ but quite honestly do nothing more than cripple the bottom-line.

Not so obvious: I now have three indoor dogs to answer-to…who also attempt to cripple the bottom-line by barking for no apparent reason during important recording sessions…and who demand improved communication…by poking a wet nose on my elbow while typing.

Though let me just say this – when I was working for someone else…when it comes to that improved communication…I know we would have gotten a lot more done if my boss had spent most of the day in the office licking himself, occasionally emerging to stick his wet nose in my armpit for a scratch behind the ears.

Now – I think we could all do without our bosses dragging their ass on the carpet – but let’s be honest, we’re all used to that by now…right?