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Ahtapotcu: Delivering fresh octopus to the nation of Turkey
Andy Taylor provides voice over for the Instagram promotional film above, regaling the riches of the deep; chronicling the journey of the octopus from the waters of the Atlantic to the Mediterranean shores of Turkey.
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Video Narration and Commercial Voice Over for promotional campaigns
Promotional video is one of the more popular voice over categories. These videos can be television commercials or online ads. Though they are often both. They can air on video billboards in Times Square, airports, stadiums, storefronts, street corners. Or they’re YouTube embeds emailed to your inbox. Promo videos are designed to call attention and cultivate interest in events, causes, special offers or even ideas.
Ultimately, the goal behind every promotional campaign is simple: Motivate the viewer to act.
For example, with a concert spot, the purpose of the commercial is to make an artist’s fans aware of the concert date, and how to purchase tickets. To be effective however, the video has to create buzz and excitement, with polished production and narration. If done right, the video will not only motivate and inform an artists’s fan base, it will also energize additional curiosity among others unfamiliar with the performer.
Furthermore, the same can be said for videos advertising events, websites, special offers, or films promoting a brand’s charitable efforts. The video first needs to entertain in order to achieve its purpose. In other words, with engaging content, the video will pull-in the viewer to receive the important take-away information.
Promotional Videos: Captivating Narration Required
Promotional voice over varies from project to project – but in the end, the read needs to grab the viewer’s attention. Above all, producers must ensure that the voice fits the image of the event and the demographic of the promo’s target audience.
For example, if you’re promoting a Car Show in Sacramento, it’s best to use a voice that matches the age profile of your show’s attendee. If the show features classics and rat-rods, hire voice talent with a more mature sound. However if the event centers around Suzuki motorcycles and racing bikes, hire a younger-sounding talent who matches the crotch-rocket demographic.
Depending on the script, video producers have identified Andy Taylor’s voice as young-30’s to mid-50’s, with range and versatility. If you’re working on a promotional video for an upcoming event that also falls into that demographic, ask Andy for a Demo specific to your promo.
Andy Taylor: Promotional Voice Over Partners
Really happy with the results and quick turnaround…The tonality of the rest of the recital is spot on…We really appreciate your pertinence and willingness to work with us throughout this process.
Joseph Dimaio. Associate Media Production Specialist. Vectorworks Design Summit
You have left me dumbfounded. This is by far better than what I ever expected. I’m very grateful to you. Many many thanks. And when touring the States you will be on our list for sure.
Gunther Kutsch. Video Producer for Sergio Cortes
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Additional Promotional Voice Over from Andy Taylor
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